Words I Love: Rasa
Earlier this year I took part in a writing challenge led by  Susannah…
Nine Ways To Pray: Simple Practices That Can Bring You To Your Knees & Fill You With Gratitude
Listen to music, turn it up loud and feel it with your whole…
Creating Ritual: Prayer
I don't know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay…
Looking Back and Moving Forward: My Year In Review 2015
I am a huge fan of journaling, intention setting, and seasonal…
February New Moon Sadhana
With todays' post I wanted to share with you some simple practices that make up my typical new moon sadhana, and some in particular those that can help you get the most out of these last few weeks of winter so that when spring truly arrives you also feel vibrant and ready to blossom....
Solstice Musings on Knowing Nothing
To celebrate the solstice is to honor the dance of time, and the cycles of life. This year in particular I am struck by how this dance takes us in and out of beauty and sadness. In and out of joy and confusion. In and out of faith and fear. I find myself humbled once again by the realization that there are cycles that exist in our lives that are so much larger than us, and that despite our goals and intentions there are tides that will sweep us up and carry us away before we know it....
Coming Home: Creating Healthy Rhythms For Autumn and Winter
I have often said that autumn is my favorite season and I think it is because it is the season where I come back to myself. I love the sensual delights of this season. The particular quality of sunlight that we get on these crisp cool days, the brilliant colors of the trees as they turn, the smells of woodsmoke and leaves burning in the air , and the tastes of autumn spices on my tongue. But what I truly love is the way that this season invites me back into rhythm with myself and reminds me of what I value most.....
The Freedom of Discipline
Yesterday afternoon I drove down the snowy road from Whistler…
Giving Thanks (in no particular order)
New friends. Good conversation. Farmer's markets. Family dinners. Sleepy dogs. Full moons. Spring fevers. Remembering and forgetting. Pumpkin pies. Time alone......
Gratitude: A Love Letter To The Tofino Yoga Community
After five days of moving and unpacking we are finally settled…