Looking Back & Gazing Forward: Year in Review Questions for Yoga Teachers
My business year ends on December 31st and so I often take some…
Holding a Tender Heart: Summer Solstice Waning Moon Reflections
The summer solstice will occur on June 20th 2017 at around 9:30pm PST…
Dancing With The Muse: Living A Creative Life
“Creativity is defined as the ability to transcend traditional…
Last Year's Words, Next Year's Voice
For last year's words belong to last year's language
And next…
How To Study Well: 9 Things To Consider
As a yoga teacher trainer I am often asked to be a guest teacher…
You Cannot Do It All: Letting Go Of The Superwoman Myth
The other day I got an email from a woman who has taken some…
Filling Your Cup: Seasonal Rhythms for Yoga Teachers
If I have learned one thing in my forty years of living it is…
Teaching Yoga & Working For Yourself: 10 Questions, 10 Answers
I teach at the Vancouver School of Yoga and this week one of…
Teaching Yoga: Some Thoughts On The Topic of Skilfulness
The other day I went to a yoga class taught by a colleague of…
Self Care for Yoga Teachers: 6 Practices to Help You Stay Nourished & Inspired
Teaching is a giving profession. And for those of you who teach…