Align With The Magic of Deep Winter: 9 Simple Rituals
Deep winter is the time of long dark nights on either side of…
How To Study Well: 9 Things To Consider
As a yoga teacher trainer I am often asked to be a guest teacher…
You Cannot Do It All: Letting Go Of The Superwoman Myth
The other day I got an email from a woman who has taken some…
Words I Love: Rasa
Earlier this year I took part in a writing challenge led by  Susannah…
My Metta Sadhana: Working With Lovingkindness To Undo Fear
All of my life I have know fear and anxiety, they have been my…
Nine Ways To Pray: Simple Practices That Can Bring You To Your Knees & Fill You With Gratitude
Listen to music, turn it up loud and feel it with your whole…
My Home Practice: An Ever Unfolding Relationship
I signed up for my first yoga teacher-training program because…
Filling Your Cup: Seasonal Rhythms for Yoga Teachers
If I have learned one thing in my forty years of living it is…
Creating Ritual: Prayer
I don't know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay…
Creating Ritual: Sacred Space
"[Sacred space] is an absolute necessity for anybody today. You…